Ben Lomond Trail Companion


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The Ben Lomond Trail Companion has been developed by the National Trust for Scotland and ZolkC to bring the stories of Scotland’s most southerly Munro to life.Standing tall at 974m on the banks of the picturesque Loch Lomond, Ben Lomond is one of the most popular munros in Scotland, attracting over 30,000 visitors each year.The app provides rich audio visual content at key points of interest alongside an augmented reality feature which adds fascinating insight to any walkers’ journey to the summit. As you ascend Ben Lomond, you’ll be able to discover the history, folklore and unique flora & fauna in a unique new way.The Ben Lomond Trail Companion uses innovative technology to heighten an already incredible experience. The undoubted highlight of the app is having the ability to pick out the 32 surrounding peaks from the summit of the Ben using ViewCam - It's simply stunning.